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Watch seven jets landing in perfect formation
They may not have the cool F-16s of the US Air Force's Thunderbirds or the ultra-cool Northrop F-5E Tiger II of the Patroullie Suisse, but the Spanish Air Force's Patrulla Águila (Eagle Patrol) can do some cool tricks too. Here they are landing in formation. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
The Blue Angels and Thunderbirds COs are now watching this video trying to figure out how to safely land 6 Hornets and Falcons in formation. ;)
The Blue Angels used to do it in the 70's when they flew F4's !!
Man I would love to have seen that! The F-4 is a monster!!
who's the cow sandbagging?
ho ho ha ha
nice observation
nice observation
Yea I agree, it does sound like a cow in the air! Wonderful filming!