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Emirates’ (Probably) Terrifying Boeing 777 Flight To Washington

Aviation is incredibly safe, and for every disaster there are many catastrophes that are narrowly avoided. It would appear that an Emirates Boeing 777 departing Dubai about a week ago nearly had a major incident after takeoff. ( More...

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Dave Mathes 23
...I'm just glad the french fry story was at the top of the news.....
21voyageur 1
Haha. Good one!
tsberry901 15
Screw the F/D....Fly the #()_*! airplane!
21voyageur 11
Yup. Computer jockeys or pilots? Suspect we see more and more of the former.
James Simms 11
Very similar to the current crop of semi truck drivers who are derisively called ‘steering wheel holders’ & not ‘professional’ truck drivers. With the shortage of semi truck drivers, very few new drivers are trained ‘old school’ style where new drivers just obtaining their Commercial Drivers License (CDL) stay on the road w/drivers w/years of experience for several months.

Now, new drivers are given their CDL, ‘trained’ for 2-3 weeks by ‘Trainees’ w/less than a year’s experience, & let loose upon an unsuspecting public on the freeways. If 18 year olds are allowed CDL’s then the carnage like the Denver, CO incident a couple of years ago will occur more frequently. I’m FB friends w/a driver-trainer-recruiter who rides w/his students for several weeks, making several trips cross country & back all over. The difference is he’s conscientious emphasizing safety w/decades of experience.

Seems like we are regressing & pilots are being trained the same way much like the Colgan Air incident in Buffalo years ago.
Back in 2003, I was hired at a large trucking company just days out of TT training. They sent me out with a guy who had been there a couple years - he slept while I drove. Nice training I got there. On my 3rd day on the job, I was sent out with a set of doubles in the middle of a raging blizzard. Worked the docks for 6+ hours, then got my load, and headed back out around 5am. I had about 13k lbs. in the lead trailer, and zero in the "kite" as we called them. There was about 8" of unplowed snow on every road. I was headed east on the MA Turnpike when I came up on a plow so fast I damned near rear ended him - couldn't even see him until I was feet away! Slammed on the brakes, which immediately caused the rear trailer to swing out to the right - I looked in my mirror and saw nothing but trailer! I was smart enough to just swerve and let of the brakes simultaneously - this all went down in a matter of seconds. The trailer straightened out and all was well ... as sweat poured down my face and my heart beat at 200 BPM! Talk about trial by fire!! And that's why the rear trailer is called a kite ...

I heard that another rookie I had been chatting with that same morning who was headed back to ME wasn't so lucky - first day on the job he put the whole rig in the ditch and flipped on it's side. That was his 1st, and last day on the job.

Another time I almost crashed when my overloaded rig (we don't have scales, so as a rookie, I didn't realize you couldn't double-stack paper rolls up front with a single-axle tractor) hit some road construction bridge bumps on I-190 south headed into Worcester that sent me right out of my seat. The rig must've gone airborne at one point - typical MA road construction for ya. I hit my head hard on the ceiling, then the whole rig started swaying as I picked up speed downhill. I could feel the entire chassis of the tractor flexing with each sway event, and watched the steering wheel turn on its own with each twist. I just lightly rode the brakes and let the rig do it's thing, and it eventually straightened out. Same deal - sweat pouring out of my face, heart racing! I have no idea how I didn't crash - it was FAR worse than I can explain here. The company shouldn't have sent me to this place with such a light-duty tractor. It was what we called a "City kitty" - single rear axle, 6-speeds, and zero power, so on every downhill you had to take advantage of any speed you picked up. And poor training was the #1 cause - I didn't know what I didn't know! Glad to be out of that industry.

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Steve Stein 7
You must have enjoyed the 50’s with your line of thinking.

You know, a lot of what you call “immigrants” have a higher level of education than many Americans driving trucks? They’re willing to put in the work to provide for their families. The color of your skin or your gender has nothing to do with driving a truck or flying a plane. In fact, many truck drivers from other countries know know how to drive a manual while an American driver would have problems figuring out how to wind down a manual window.
James Simms 1
The issue is understanding, comprehending, & communicating in English; which is a requirement to obtain a CDL. As most immigrants involved are straight off the airplane w/no comprehension of what it takes to safely operate a semi truck w/very bare English skills; in essence, a ‘steering wheel holder’. Also no comprehension on safe mountain driving, which was likely a cause of the Denver incident a couple of years ago.

I’ve seen the same comprehension issue involving aircraft incidents overseas. English is suppose to be the mandated official language worldwide. One incident over in Japan, a 747 had a fire indicated on board. Poor female ATC couldn’t comprehend what was being did or what was going on.
“ Immigrants”
Please tell me who is not an immigrant in this country.
Artie7998 3
Anyone who was born here is not an immigrant. I doesn't make the slightest difference where your ancestors were from. Everybody's ancestors came from another country, including supposedly "indiginous" people, theirs just came a bit earlier. The word immigrant means "person born here". It has nothing to do with your absurd insinuation that I am somehow an immigrant because of where my parents or grandparents or great grandparents were born. please get a dictionary.
SkyAware123 2
uhm the opposite. NOT born here.
orvlnet -2
"The word immigrant means "person born here""... You might want to read that one back...
He put the word "immigrants" in quotes - I take that to mean ILLEGAL immigrants. People who shouldn't be here in the first place, if the rule of law took precedent over the lust for power via votes.
Dave Mathes -1
...all the indigenous Indians I know...
SkyAware123 7
they immigrated too. Just a lot longer before the rest.
You are right Dave.
Indigenous people are the only original ones.
But that’s another history, let’s talk about planes.
Artie7998 5
Bull. You didn't ask about "original" you asked who isn't an immigrant. Anyone born here isn't an immigrant. Thats what the word means. You're confusing "indigenous" with the concept of immigration, apparently. (And ignoring the fact that nobody is "indigenous" to anywhere except a small region of Sub-Saharan Africa, which all persons on Earth are indigenous to.)
Artie7998 5
But I will agree with your last statement. We should be talking about planes instead of this crp.
James Simms 1
They’re already out there
ewrcap 4
Remember, for the Children of the Magenta Line, when the going gets tough the tough start typing!
David Ingram 2
I is scary to hear that once again they are not flying the airplane.
WhiteKnight77 11
This story, even if guessing at some things, makes the point of each crew to follow the checklist prior to engine start, set everything up properly, and once pushing the throttles forward, to fly the plane.
SkyAware123 -4
human error. Has always and will always be the biggest source of incidents. Time to replace them.
Colin Seftel 11
If the flight director had been set to airport altitude on landing, it would have been identified and corrected during the pre-departure checklist.
30west 9
"would have been identified....."

I believe the correct wording is "should have been identified....".
ADXbear 16
The pilot wanted to scare the hell out of the Camels and point out their house.. Again Automation and lack of real flying ready to fly checklists almost cause a disaster.. how many times has activating or turning off the Auto pilot caused accidents.. why the hell aren't pilots being pilots and fly the dam plane by hand till a safe altitude, and be sure simple crap like setting proper settings in before flight.. just stupid.. they should go drive a vus..
Sadly, in the late 70's an Army pilot with over 6000 hrs in the OV-1 Mohawk aka the Widowmaker, decided to tip a wing at his wife standing on the porch of their new home in the Huachuca canyon. He could not recover altitude and took a young enlisted observer into the ground with him. Maybe he had more than 6000 hrs in that one airframe but he was by no means inexperienced.
James Simms 3
Can’t imagine the horror of his wife watching that in real time nor what was going through the mind of the young Enlisted. In a way it reminds me watching Band of Brothers series yesterday. So many young troops lost their lives before dropping into Normandy, not able to fight back or even having a chance to fight back.

Sounds like that B-52 ‘Hot Dog’ @ Fairchild AFB on his last flight before being forced out. @ least the Law of Averages caught up to the B-52 pilot before being let loose as an airline pilot, unfortunately he took good people w/him.
SkyAware123 6
lol. you're turning things around here. The issue is CAUSED by humans not doing their job.
8literbeater 2
The issue is CAUSED by humans relying on computers, instead of flying the airplane themselves. So yes, I think we all understand that it was pilot error, but the error is to rely on the airplane to fly itself. Sort of like the 737 trim runaway issue that took a couple of planes down, which is easily overridden by flipping a switch.
SkyAware123 0
exactly, pilot error. NO PLANE flies itself from A to B. When that day comes, we'll have a LOT less errors.
8literbeater 1
What a nightmare existence you predict.
SkyAware123 0
YEah, cuz the military has been flying drones for 25+ years and it's been such a failure... right?
8literbeater 1
Yes. I have never met a single UAV pilot that has said a single word about the joy of flight. So yes. No joy.
SkyAware123 0
JOY ? Who cares if they enjoy it. Totally irrelevant. Don't enjoy it get another job.
8literbeater 1
PRECISELY my point. Good job. You don't care about enjoying life, only about having a "job". Well that's right. How about a job as one of those people that flies airplanes? JoY iS tOTalLy iRreLeVanT dURR hUrr!
SkyAware123 1
So we need to keep pilots in the plane because otherwise they wouldn't enjoy their jobs? I guess you've never run a company. Plenty of drone pilots out there who enjoy their jobs. Besides, automation will fly planes from a to b anyways. The only time a pilot will be needed is when something isn't going as planned. Like it or not, autonomous vehicles (in whatever form) are coming. We're talking commercial air here. You want to enjoy flying, go get your own damn plane.
srobak 4
checklists. performed by 2 people. it's kinda a thing.
Bill Word 4
I saw Thunderbird #6 crash several years ago for apparently a similar reason. They had flown from the Reno airshow on Saturday to perform at Mtn Home AFB on Sunday. They did not practice takeoffs at MHAFB Saturday evening. On Sunday, #6 took off and performed a few maneuvers including a Split-S. As he approached the flightline at the bottom of the loop, I thought he looked very low; and then he slapped the F-16 into the ground, ejecting 0.6 sec before the crash. He survived. I later heard he had failed to properly reset his altimeter to the MHAFB elevation.
aurodoc 12
I guess I really do not understand the situation. On take off, doesn't the pilot hand fly the plane while the monitoring pilot watches speed and calls out the V1 with the pilot flying pulling back on the stick? How does an aircraft make it that far down the runway and not get airborne appropriately?
Jeff Grant 7
Do they even preflight and do a departure brief?
James Simms 11
Had it gone down, MH 370 would have posted so fast abt Boeing…….
Torsten Hoff 6
He just hasn't gotten around to it yet. He'll post something in a day or two...
Yazoo 3
A minor point for the author. How does he know the previous crew zeroed out the ATL window? I believe the MCP ALT window will go to zero if the plane is de-powered. Such as an overnight or maintenance. The first bullet should read, "The crew failed to put the initial hold down altitude for the departure procedure in the MCP."
Highflyer1950 3
It’s called an altitude alerter. It mainly a preset function to an altitude cleared to or one to maintain. With the autopilot/FMS/MCP engaged in VNAV or Alt mode armed the autopilot will not fly you through the preset….going up or down. The procedure of zeroing the alerter on the ground is to remind the crew usually that a clearance has not been received however with datalink clearances most use the 00000 as a reminder that at either a SID or initial climb altitude has not been issued by ATC. At least it used to be that way.
Pravin Balram 3
Just follow the cockpit procedure/checklist and this could have been avoided. Let this be a lesson to those who just want to wing it!!
No Cockpit preperation, no Departure Briefing, no Emergency Briefing; Company Procedures? Nottingham to see.Are you sure that the pilots have a Licence ?
mbrews 7
It's beyond Children of the magenta. More like video gamers wearing pilot uniforms
mark archacki 4
Can you imagine if the fully fueled 777 had run into the Burj Kalifa tower? What a mess that would be...
James Cox 2
I haven't flown the 777 but shouldn't TO/GA be the take off mode selected upon taking the runway? I thought that mode ignored altitudes until the VNAV captures?
Tim Dyck 2
I’m not a pilot but don’t they have checklists. And doesn’t the pilot actually flys the plane during takeoff and landing?
John Prukop 2
Sounds like these so-called "PILOTS" need to enroll in Dan Gryder's Probable Cause AQP class!
sharon bias 4
Travel was already getting ugly about a week ago. Crew quarantined due to Covid, planes having to turn around because airports at destinations refusing arrival. Companies pushing everyone to try and get back on track financially after shutdowns. Humans can only handle so many tasks, then they will fail. The pilots just need to be able to tune out all the other stuff and fly the planes. It's just hard to do that right now.
altawood 6
FLY THE PLANE! What a concept..Good for you Sharon! You will make a fine aviator.
DL Capt Ret.
Joe Alvin 1
Use preflight check list, fly the plane & get heads out of the cockpit.
pagheca 1
that's what happens when you hire an Ekranoplan pilot.

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btweston 14
Did you not actually read it?

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srobak 5
automation is responsible for more and more issues in flight as pilots rely more upon them and forget the art of flying. This is not a new problem or phenomenon.

Here's a report from TEN YEARS AGO...,mistakes%20with%20automated%20flight%20controls.
WhiteKnight77 1
The more we advance, the more we go backwards. You may not remember them, but radios were one just one band (AM) for listening to music. They typically only had one speaker, and did not encompass the complete sound spectrum. Then we had FM radio and eventually, stereo sound with a fuller sound spectrum being broadcast across the airwave.

Fast forward to 2014 when Amazon introduced Alexa. Just one speaker and no stereo sound, even if the sound was a bit better than the old transistor radios of days gone by. Now we have tons of single speaker choices, but, with the way studio sound recording engineers seemingly placing all instruments in both ears again, it does not matter. This is one reason why I prefer late 60s and 70s music, the engineers used stereo.

The same is happening in aviation.


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