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Contrails are a problem for aviation -- but there could be an easy solution
(CNN) — On a clear day, with the right weather conditions, a portion of the sky busy with commercial flights can become riddled with contrails, the wispy ice clouds that form as jet aircraft fly by. They might look innocuous, but they're not -- contrails are surprisingly bad for the environment. A study that looked at aviation's contribution to climate change between 2000 and 2018 concluded that contrails create 57% of the sector's warming impact, significantly more than the CO2… ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
No they are not, Contrails are dihydrogen monoxide more commonly know as water, CNN is saying here, that water is bad for the environment. Absolute Trash.
Water vapor accounts for about 60% of the Earth’s greenhouse warming effect
If contrails caused anything at all it would be additional cooling due to blocking sunlight from heating the surface but it is so negligible as to be beyond worry. As far as preventing heat from leaving the surface, that would simply make up for minutely blocking sunlight and therefore preserving the balance of nature. Of course, chicken littles need something to be terrified of so here we are.
So if we get rid of all the water, we will save the world! There are problems that just can't be solved and this is one of them! Every group comes up with something that is doom and gloom and is going to kill the world.. Some years back is was Cows Farting... If we get rid of everything thing kills us, what will be be dying of... They get rid coal because it pollutes, so they bring out Solar Farms (That are Hazmat and cannot be recycled), we are going to be saved by Wind Power (Whose blades cannot be recycle and fill up our land fields and they are killing birds and the ones off coast are now killing whales). I know I am being sarcastic... But somethings are just to stupid not to have fun with...
It's not like you have any integrity. Your entire posting career is devoted to propaganda.
May as well call them Chem trails, lol. Sorry, couldn't help myself.
The sky is falling... the sky is falling! As usual cnn is on top of protecting us humans from ourselves, to sell more ad space.