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Contrails are a problem for aviation -- but there could be an easy solution
(CNN) — On a clear day, with the right weather conditions, a portion of the sky busy with commercial flights can become riddled with contrails, the wispy ice clouds that form as jet aircraft fly by. They might look innocuous, but they're not -- contrails are surprisingly bad for the environment. A study that looked at aviation's contribution to climate change between 2000 and 2018 concluded that contrails create 57% of the sector's warming impact, significantly more than the CO2… ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Many of these studies are complete garbage, as John Ioannidis has demonstrated. I would bet that this study is one of those.
Back in the 70s scientists believed that increased CO2 emissions were going to result in Global Cooling due to solar radiation being reflected back out to space. Now it's the opposite.
Do a Google search for 70s global cooling and see what was being said back then.
Remember, the latest Ice Age ended around 16,000 years ago and the earth has been warming (by the sun) since.
Humans need to look at the earth in terms of Geologic time, not human time. "Geological time is on a different scale from human time. The earth is estimated to be 4.6 billion years old and life is thought to have become dominant on Earth 542 million years ago. The first humans existed around 2 million years ago. This is only a short period of time."
Do a Google search for 70s global cooling and see what was being said back then.
Remember, the latest Ice Age ended around 16,000 years ago and the earth has been warming (by the sun) since.
Humans need to look at the earth in terms of Geologic time, not human time. "Geological time is on a different scale from human time. The earth is estimated to be 4.6 billion years old and life is thought to have become dominant on Earth 542 million years ago. The first humans existed around 2 million years ago. This is only a short period of time."
When I saw this is from CNN, I knew it was more Biden/Obama leftist Liberal propaganda
So we need to fly all over the world promoting Contrails as bad!
So let’s reroute the flight and burn more fuel, why don’t we have the passengers pedal the airplane through the sky
The sky is falling... the sky is falling! As usual cnn is on top of protecting us humans from ourselves, to sell more ad space.