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Senators Propose Raising US Commercial Pilots Mandatory Retirement Age
A group of seven U.S. senators on Tuesday proposed legislation to raise the mandatory commercial pilot retirement age to 67 from 65, in a bid to address airline industry staffing issues. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
I, on the other hand, would propose a maximum retirement age of 65 for the entrenched senate and house pros'.
Agreed! A bunch of old people sitting around deciding when someone else should retire.
There are lots of laws that apply to the unwashed but don't apply to Congress.
[This poster has been suspended.]
Congress is a collective term for baboons:
One of my Senators just retired @ age 80. Congress is one of the few places someone can make $100-200,000/ year & suddenly be worth several million when they ‘retire’.
[This poster has been suspended.]
There's no need to inject insults into the conversation. Stick to the topic: should there be a mandatory retirement age for commercial pilots, and if so, is the current one too low?
You can post that other stuff on Faux News.
You can post that other stuff on Faux News.