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The latest Gulfstream 650 demonstration flight spells out ....
Now that is a lot of flight planning and a whole lot of miles! ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
The flight was a customer acceptance proving run. Thought Flight Aware has us filing at FL380, initial filed cruising altitude was FL430, which the jet quickly attained. Although FL510 was available, FL490 gave us best specific fuel burns. At any altitude, the jet is a joy to fly at any altitude.
Were you part of the crew that did the GV about 9 years ago?
Brilliant work. But WOW. 49,000ft!!!! I'm ......stunned.....
And nearly 6800 miles. Very very cool.
It was a fabulous way to carry out a cold soak flight and many thanks to GAC for making it happen.
Ha! Super cool!