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American Airlines pilot reports UFO with 'big reflection' 40,000 feet over Arizona
Pilots on two separate aircraft reported an unidentified flying object high over southern Arizona last month. One of them, a commercial pilot flying a passenger jet for American Airlines, said the object was above 40,000 feet and "had a big reflection." ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Could have been a Tesla RoadStar?
I've seen plenty of weather balloons out there. Yes, they are high, put off a very large reflection when the sun is right, and their relative motion can appear to move with you or against you. Last one I saw I asked the controller if there was any traffic at my 9 o'clock high and maybe 20 miles. He said no. I said its definitely there but no controller had anything. 10 minutes later, as the other pilot and I still watched it, the controller came back and said he had the info. He had done some checking and there was a balloon 120 miles away out there presently going thru 130,000 feet. It put off a huge reflection.
Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus.
With all the cell phone out there someone had to take an awesome picture of it? All UFO pics I have seen are out of focus. Same goes with Bigfoot pics.
I’m going to ask what may be a stupid question.
Why aren’t weather or Google balloons required to have an active transponder so they can be seen/tracked by ATC?
The thought of a heavy with 200+ souls on board flying into one of these balloons can only have one ending.
Why aren’t weather or Google balloons required to have an active transponder so they can be seen/tracked by ATC?
The thought of a heavy with 200+ souls on board flying into one of these balloons can only have one ending.
Most of the time, they are too high for airliners anyhow.
Except for when they're just released and still in lower altitudes?
It's actually the real reason most new modern airlines have winglets. They SAY its for improved fuel efficiency.....but I know as a FACT its so they can pop weather balloons....I have a friend who is an engineer for Airbus, and was previously an engineer for Boeing, and was an actual train engineer for Burlington Norther Santa Fe. Top THAT!