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American Airlines pilot reports UFO with 'big reflection' 40,000 feet over Arizona
Pilots on two separate aircraft reported an unidentified flying object high over southern Arizona last month. One of them, a commercial pilot flying a passenger jet for American Airlines, said the object was above 40,000 feet and "had a big reflection." ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
He should adjust his medication. People that are seeing things shouldn’ Be flying airplanes.
On 3/23, I was in Antigua and saw HBAL187 and HBL191 at 62K and 62.3k altitude and 15 and 11 KT’s speed. Guessing weather balloons?
They are a test to provide with Internet through ballons, What I wonder is what happens to these once they run out of juice in some way, do they just drift away...showing up as non transmitting objects that pilots can call UFO:s? Checking them on Flightradar24 the tracks they are making suggest they are risen or lowered to different winds to try to keep them in a general area?
I had a similar experience and it was the space station in formation about to dock with another space craft. Was high and disappeared over the horizon in front of us. Both had lights and strobes.
I’m going to ask what may be a stupid question.
Why aren’t weather or Google balloons required to have an active transponder so they can be seen/tracked by ATC?
The thought of a heavy with 200+ souls on board flying into one of these balloons can only have one ending.
Why aren’t weather or Google balloons required to have an active transponder so they can be seen/tracked by ATC?
The thought of a heavy with 200+ souls on board flying into one of these balloons can only have one ending.
It's actually the real reason most new modern airlines have winglets. They SAY its for improved fuel efficiency.....but I know as a FACT its so they can pop weather balloons....I have a friend who is an engineer for Airbus, and was previously an engineer for Boeing, and was an actual train engineer for Burlington Norther Santa Fe. Top THAT!
This is an April Fool post, right?