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Saudia Group agrees largest ever Saudi jet deal with Airbus

RIYADH, May 20 (Reuters) - Saudia Group, owner of the Saudia airline and budget carrier flyadeal, announced on Monday an order for 105 Airbus (AIR.PA), opens new tab narrow-body aircraft in what the company's director general described as the largest ever order from a Saudi airline. The order consists of 12 A320neo and 93 A321neo single aisle aircraft. State-owned Saudia Group said that Saudia would be receiving 54 of the A321neo jets, while flyadeal would acquire 12 A320neos and the… ( More...

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However the dices roll, it is a tragedy that such a large deal slipped through the incompetent fingers of those in charge. The economic fallout will spread wide and do incomprehensible damage to the country and the aviation industry. Mismanagement+++, Mismanagement. Shame on you Boeing!
yatesd 2
This new Airbus order will replace many Boeing aircraft that were obtained by Saudi as part of a settlement over what was, at the time, the largest termination for default in US Government history. Boeing was terminated from the $8B Peace Shield program, which was a Foreign Military Sales deal to build an air defense network for the Royal Saudi Air Force. The Saudi-funded program was terminated when we had reached our limit with Boeing, who was utterly clueless and failing to deliver. The program was reprocured with Hughes Aircraft, who finished early and delivered a high performing system. I was a witness for the DOJ (having been a USAF active duty officer in the Kingdom working on the program). It was settled and Boeing gave up aircraft for Saudi as part of the deal. This was in the early 1990s and I learned back then what almost all recognize today...that Boeing had gone from an engineer based manufacturer to a financial bean-counter manufacturer.

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Bruce Miklos 1
You’re hopelessly misinformed if you think Biden( like all MAGA experts) had anything to do with Boeings demise! I’ve been in the aviation industry for over 40 years & have watched like so many others Boeing going from an engineering company to a company only interested in the bottom line & shareholder value!
yatesd 0
Joe Biden has nothing to do with Boeings demise. They’ve done it to themselves.

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yatesd 2
Hope things go well for you out there in the lunatic fringe.

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Bruce Miklos 2
Common sense isn’t so common, & you have known of it! Speaking of bubbles, good luck getting out of that MAGA one you’re in!!!
Joe Keifer 2
Nicely done!
Forbes Mercy 1
It's not just the CEO's fault, it's the Boeing Board of Directors. Isn't insane in America that stock holders can sue a company if they don't put the investors ahead of the product?! Fire the Board who cares only about not getting sued because they didn't cut every cost possible in production. Turn the old 747 line into 2 lines for 737 building to speed up production, and get some of that A320 money back. The wait at Airbus is so long, they will surely get some of those orders back. The board has no clue how to run a business, it will take decades to recover from their damage. Their training isn't in innovating, it's in how to make money for stockholders, they need to go.


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