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Swiss Says Goodbye to the Avro “Jumbolino”
Swiss International Airlines has retired its last Avro RJ100 regional jet. To mark the occasion, the airline flew the 15-year veteran aircraft on a special final flight between Geneva and Zurich. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
I would not be surprised to see the retired BAE 146/Avro 100's end up in Africa where they will be suited for short rudimentary runways. They can be fitted with a gravel kit as they are only "young" by aircraft standards 15-20 years old.
They are being replaced in Africa also. See
I've always liked the look of that aircraft. I used to fly on them on a short hop between ORD and MKE in the early 2000's. United Express.
Good short field jets. Used to fly them CYYC-CYXC weekly runs
My wife and I flew on A Qantas Avro from Perth OZ to Darwin with a turnaround in Alice Springs. With the high wing the view was wonderful. The aircrt is quiet anf lifts off with quickly. I once overheard a pilot when he saw one say that it looks like a miniature Starlifter. A nice trip for us.
isn't there a burst of noise when flaps retracted? maybe on the earlier first versions? or confusing with something else?
as I remember, the retraction of the landing gear resulted in a rather loud noise, and the flight attendant mentioned this in the pre-flight address. Frequently flew Rockhampton - Brisbane, with either Ansett or Trans Australia.
thanks Jimmy... I flown them often - PSA - in California and liked to watch reactions from those not familiar with the "screech"