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Southwest retires Boeing 737-300s to storage

World’s largest operator of an all-Boeing fleet prepares to place into service the newest version of the Boeing 737 aircraft line, the company is retiring its Boeing 737-300s from service, sending most to a company at Southern California Logistics Airport. (www.airguideonline.com) More...

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sparkie624 8
I worked for many years on the 737's... Where everyone here knows that I am not an SWA fan (not even close)... The 737 particularly the 200 and 300 series were the best built around... They were built with so much more pride... Now days it is not much more than a production line... RIP 737 Old Gen!
bigkahuna400 4
I like the words used "or long term storage and end of life solutions.”
Better than boneyard.

Morris Reddic 1
I've been seeing then remove name from tails,for a while. Hate to see them retire, I hope,they go to good owners.
sparkie624 1
They are old... they will go to Cheap-O airlines in 3rd world countries. Too high of time to fly profitable in the US
Perrt Bonney 1
It seems to me that the author of this article could have elaborated a little as to just why SWA is retiring these aircraft. Yes - we all can guess that it's because these aircraft are "too old" and that newer aircraft are going to be better. That much isn't rocket science.

But SWA had to have gone through some reasoning as to why out with the old and in with the new, otherwise it would be buying new B 737 just as soon as each new model was available for purchase.

Also, it wouldn't have taken up too much space to elaborate on the significance of the B 737 within the broader scheme of things.

I got this from Wikipedia, for what that's worth:

"Throughout the 1980s, the 737 Classic series attracted large orders from airlines in the United States and Europe, with its order totals exceeding that of preceding 737 models. By far the most successful model was the 737-300, with deliveries totaling 1,113 aircraft (the 737-400 and -500 reached 486 and 389 deliveries, respectively). - Wikipedia
sparkie624 3
Easy, Quick, and straight to the point answer... AGE!, Cycles, Hours.... They all add up. There is a mandatory parking age. The Aging A/C program is not profitable to the airline. Cost them more to maintain them than the profit they can make off of it...
Tyler Johnson 0
Sad to see the CL 300 go. A few more patches on the skin and they could have flown another 20 years! Ok maybe not, but still, SWA is my airline, and I have great memories of flying on California One - the original.. Flying on a -500 from DEN to MSP, and various others throughout the system.
sparkie624 3
If they got many more patches they would not be able to hold enough fuel and more payload than the flight crew.... they had lots of Sheet metal Fatigue repairs... When I was working those birds back in 2008 they had a lot.... Now days they have even more!
paul trubits 0

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

matt jensen 2
Right after Boeing goes bust, Bombardier becomes #2
Perrt Bonney 4
There's not that much demand for Ski-doos.
bigturbineb744 -8
there past there used by date and are holding on at the corroded rivets and there very old. Klas there home base is full of parts from these old hard working Boeing's A short trip to KVCV
dchaff 2
They're past their.....they're very......their home.
Sorry that just drives me crazy; as it did my high school English teacher.


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