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Tracking system nabbing drug dealers and law-abiding pilots
"Ken Dobson, a retired police officer, was detained and his plane searched by federal agents -- without legal justification -- after he landed at a small airport in Detroit. Instead of uncovering a drug cache, the officials found luggage, golf clubs and an empty Thermos." ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
At least this story has now been picked up by media other than the AOPA. This story needs to get out, otherwise it will continue to be swept under the rug.
Really glad I don't fly down there to often.
One of their justifications for searching was that pilots have flown into buildings w/ small aircraft since 9/11. Shall we point out that people have used automobiles and vans for the same purpose, shall we pull all of them over and search them?
The DEA with their focus on drug interception and asset seizure don't look for terrorists, they are terrorists. Those weren't bomb sniffing dogs. Their reasons incorporate 'any one we can think of' and 'any one we can get away with'. Just wait until the disappearances start.
Every pilot should start filing to one airport and then (weather permitting) land at another. When not on a flight plan fake to one and low level to another. That ought to mess their mind when everyone does what a runner would do.
I'm going to start loading my plane up with duffle bags of dead grass and fly around with it lmao, while using your plan.
LOL... That is funny... You would probably get arrested for something... They would make up some story...
Then I'll have a good case against them. If they learn to drink beer and chase women instead of pilots I'd have more respect for them. Don't infringe on my pursuit of happiness or you'll get a bag full of dead grass.
Interstate transportation of seed material unapproved by USDA may well be a chargeable offense.
No kidding! This hassling innocent citizens is illegal and expensive and non-productive. Maybe they should try accomplishing the job they are supposed to be doing, like protecting the border!
They need the practice. My brother once drove an empty flatbed trailer in the USA. The US border agents asked to inspect the load. Remember I said it was an EMPTY flatbed!
Agent probably thought he was hauling sailboat fuel.
Don't try the duffle bag bit if U need your airplane. I heard a horror story about a respected Botany Professor who spent a few days summer vacation collecting plant specimens at a small grass strip airport in the wilderness. It took him months and large legal fees to get his Cessna back. They actually confiscated it. "We are here to help you"