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Southwest's board has chosen to return billions to shareholders in stock buybacks while raising executive pay over investing in technology.
Southwest Pilots are pissed! Details of their open letter. Quote came from current Chairman and former CEO Gary Kelly: “Arguably, our shareholders have suffered for a long time when it comes to getting a return and our employees have been very well taken care of,” Kelly said. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
The United States Government is run by lobbyists much more so than it is by the American people.
Somehow lobbying needs to be stopped, it's undermining we the people.
When I dwelled Washington two jobs offered great pay and wealth, lobbyist and manufacturer's representative. The lattter specializes in fronting for a specific group of product (like nuts or bolts), and is a super salesman ferreting out any possible consumer of his baby from the vast number of government agencies' headquarters. If he is a military school grad., he can run "all over" the Pentagon, e.g., with prior clearances. IBM for example, hired many Annapolis grads for this reason, people like Ross Perot. While these people can make purchasing for government more efficient, politicians who are intellectually deficient in purchasing should not be encouraged to run for office. Voters take notice; do not vote party lines!
[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]
You're aware that VP K. Harris isn't a Senator or a House Representative. She can only vote in the Senate to break a tie. Interesting that you would single her out in your comment.
Also interesting to note that his didn't single out such intellectual giants such as Paul Gosar, Louie Gohmert, Marjorie Taylor Greene or Lauren Boebert, just to name a few.
I know but she was a cantor..have you ever heard her speak? She is just the poster child for a large group of people who do not know anything more than any of us(and in most cases a lot less0 yet have tremendous power to f things our economy not proof enough?
Maybe the solution is to stop voting for idiots and demand the parties put better choices on the ballots?
Now if we could only stop the idiots from voting
How true! We've lost TWA, PanAm, US Airways, Continental, Virgin America, Eastern, AirTran, Braniff, and the list goes on and on.
While some were due to bankruptcies, way too many were caused by mergers. As a result, we are stuck with 4 main airlines, all of which have their specialized regions (think the new AA in New England).
We were told that mergers wouldn't impact choices and service. None of us believed it, but, we don't have the $$$ to convince the decision makers.