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AA Boeing 787 damaged by lightning.
Aviation Maintenance shared a picture of the top fuselage of an American Airlines Dreamliner. The Boeing 787 experienced extensive damage to its composite fuselage crown when it was hit by lightning during flight. Summer is the season for thunderstorms, and sometimes lightning can strike an aircraft that is flying. However, a lightning strike on an aircraft is not dangerous, as aircraft are designed to withstand lightning strikes. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Composite structures have been around for 30 years and we are still hearing the old “it’ll never fly Orville” crap.
I got hit by a strike 50 years ago. The damage was not from the strike itself but from the water or moisture inside instantly Turing to steam. The steam did the damage.
did your shoes survive .?
You or your aircraft?
Yep that's typically the structure problem. Metal frames or screens with plaster or any other moisture along a conductive path it's poof the moist containing parts takeoff. Adobe with metal beams get the same. Might be a future for the composite planes to have systems to reduce moisture around important parts, not that all of them aren't. That's Texas where the rain falls sideways and snakes get friendly with guys making shade in the brush.