Hillsboro Muni Airport (Hillsboro, TX) INJ 备注
A81-APT | MIRL runway 16/34 SS-SR preset low intensity; to incr intensity - CTAF. PAPI runway 16 and 34 operational consly. |
A70-FUEL-100L | L for fuel after hours please call 254-582-8604. Self serve available with credit card. |
A43-34 | Unusable beyond 9 degrees right of runway centerline. |
A110-4 | For clearance contact fort worth artcc at 817-858-7584. |
A110-3 | Skydiving actvty in vicinity of airport. |
A110-2 | Noise sensitive area: extend pattern on takeoff and landing runway 16 to avoid flying over houses to the southeast and east side of airport. |