Lakeland Linder Intl Airport (Lakeland, FL) LAL 备注
E80 | Us customs user fee airport. |
A42-08 | Runway 8/26 marked with pavers. |
A39-10/28 | Pcr value: 460/F/A/X/T |
A39-05/23 | Pcr value: 320/F/A/X/T |
A30-08/26 | Restricted to group 1 aircraft under 1500 lbs mtow, VFR daytime only, no tgl; prior permission required - 863-834-4911. Scheduled air carrier operations with more than 9 pax seats or unsked air carrier with at least 31 pax seats na. |
A30-05/23 | Runway 08/26 scheduled air carrier operations with more than 9 pax seats or unsked air carrier with at least 31 pax seats na. |
A110-9 | Index C available upon req. |
A110-8 | Pje within 5 nm 18000 blw SR-SS |
A110-7 | Taxiway D, D1, and E1 unlighted. |
A110-10 | Uscbp user fee airport; service THUR-MON, 1530-2400Z. fee chrgd outside of service hours. Fee payable on site. |
A110-1 | Bird act on and in vicinity of airport. |