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Jet Blue bans for life passenger who flew while awaiting Corona virus test that turned out to be positive.
Anyone on that flight who comes down with Corona should sue him! ( More...Comments on squawks recently are absolute garbage.
Leave politics out of it, children. This is an aviation board.
Leave politics out of it, children. This is an aviation board.
Conflicting information again!
First it’s reported he found out his test results inflight.
Then it’s reported a passenger heard him receive the test info PRIOR to takeoff!
Not that it changes anything, but what’s the real story?
First it’s reported he found out his test results inflight.
Then it’s reported a passenger heard him receive the test info PRIOR to takeoff!
Not that it changes anything, but what’s the real story?
I believe that his wife got a text about the positive diagnosis just before they boarded. If he showed enough symptoms that he needed to be tested, he shouldn't have gone anywhere until he got the results. Especially not an airport.
BUT You can be contagious and not have any symptoms! Seriously!!!
That is the king of 'truth' that isn't out there. That is the kind of truth that is freaking the hell out of physicians worldwide. They have to believe that every patient they comes in the door could be positive, and not symptomatic.
The American healthcare system is overloaded, and it's going to get a lot worse. No matter what the president says. A LOT of people are going to die. Potentially 100,000, or more.
This is NOT a virus to treat with callousness and stupidity. And the effects of the massive infection rates are going to cost people their jobs, their homes, their cars, their lives.
That is the king of 'truth' that isn't out there. That is the kind of truth that is freaking the hell out of physicians worldwide. They have to believe that every patient they comes in the door could be positive, and not symptomatic.
The American healthcare system is overloaded, and it's going to get a lot worse. No matter what the president says. A LOT of people are going to die. Potentially 100,000, or more.
This is NOT a virus to treat with callousness and stupidity. And the effects of the massive infection rates are going to cost people their jobs, their homes, their cars, their lives.
If he'd had no symptoms he wouldn't have been tested. Now, take a deep breath and relax a little. Will this virus cost some lives, yes, it most certainly will, but put the number in perspective with some of the other things that cost lives every year, like medical malpractice (251,000 per year).
...and the flu averaging 36,000/year...
Potentially, 100,000 or more...
I'd also suggest that other airlines follow suit not only with COVID-19 pax, but also those who on a normal day disrupt everything and necessitate an unplanned landing cause they can't handle their alcohol intake.